Here’s the story of what’s shaped me

Above all else, I value connection, community, beauty, integrity, and awe. They are the unseen cords that keep me tethered to my authenticity and truth. They bind me to my ancestral lineage, my family, my motley crew of friends, my partner, and my sweet pup Cyrus.

My values of community and connection manifest in a deep desire for equity. It's something I learned from my Ukrainian Grandmother. She taught me the value of a stern well-written letter while my Dad taught me the importance of having an opinion. I've seen both work time and time again.

I don't tolerate comments or people or businesses that don't align with my heart. We don't have time, and frankly, I no longer give a shit what those people think of me.⁠

I know that as a white woman I am inherently racist. I know that I can choose every day to be anti-racist. I acknowledge that as an able-bodied, neurotypical, cis-woman of middle-class means I am afforded way more opportunities than a lot of other folks.

I know that love is love is love and this knowing has opened my heart in ways I didn't know possible.

I love to sing in my car, walk in the woods and listen to the ocean. It’s my long-held belief that a bath, a nap, and fresh flowers are the cure for heartache.

According to a couple of small humans, I’m pretty good at making pancakes on Saturday mornings, and being the MC for post-dinner dance parties. They find my alliterations especially amusing.

I have dozens of notebooks holding ideas, feelings, stories, and insights. Only a handful of those books are full.

There are always, always dishes in my sink and clean laundry waiting to be folded.

I believe that art tells us just about everything we need to know about ourselves and others. What we consider beautiful is a marker of how we feel about ourselves and our environment.

While I have a ‘formal education’ it’s actually the people, places, teachers, and experiences that have taught me what I need to know. You can read about the teachers I’ve learned from and worked with here.

I’m no longer interested in acquiring education, I’m much more interested in the exploration of knowledge.

My hope is that one day I am welcome as an elder and wisdom keeper in my community. I just really want to be a good ancestor and honour those who have come before me and use the priviledges I hold to make some kind of impact.

I am most at ease in places where I can feel the infinite experience of the sky and look to the mountains in the distance.

I love the ocean but will never truly be at ease in her presence. I need to feel my feet on the earth in order to have a sense of safety and security.

I believe that the cycles of the moon and the transition of the stars are my compass.

I believe that dance, song, silence, and tears are the greatest healing modalities available to me.

I believe there is power in water, a good night's rest, chocolate cake, and a conversation with a friend.⁠

But most of all, I believe that we are Better Together

We are not meant to do any of this alone. 

We are not meant to flail frantically in our businesses or in our lives. 

We need containers that hold us and allow us to expand. 

We need each other.⁠

And at the end of the day, it's those connections that create our life.