Integrity Driven Marketing Support For Heart-Centered Humans

When it comes to Who you are, what you do, and what you believe You have two choices:
You can do what everyone says you should do,
Or you can choose a way that honours who you are.
It’s time to take an approach to your business that is uniquely yours.
here’s what I know for sure:
We are better together and that includes running our businesses.
Compromising ourselves for a list of shoulds gets us further away from why we do what we do.
If we really want our businesses to have the impact we desire, then it’s time to start doing things differently.

And, what I’ve learned is that oftentimes:
We just need a new perspective.
I’m Jennie Alexis, and for many years I put my faith into what others told me I should do and be.
If you’re here, we probably share that.
My approach to business and personal integrity is to question every assumption, every should, every practice (and “best practice”).
Welcome to a space where we deconstruct what everyone is telling you is right,
And start using your values as the compass to create an approach to your marketing that honours who you are.
“Jennie has a way of seeing and connecting with the core values and messaging of a business and communicating that in a way that lands with the people who are ready to connect. Her ability to clearly see what needs to happen and find ways to get you there directly without adding too much extra work or complicating things is valuable in helping a business move forward quickly and strategically.”